Adult Ministries
Growth Groups
We invite you to join one of our discipleship groups!
Growth Groups is a small group ministry that meets on Sunday mornings at 10am to encourage fellowship and enables each member to take practical Biblical teaching and implement it in their family life. We offer three adult Growth Groups classes: College/Young Adult, In-Betweeners, and Young At Heart.
Ladies’ Fellowship
The Ladies Fellowship group is dedicated to providing opportunities for serving, growing, and sharing. Through monthly Bible study and prayer times, ladies are encouraged to deepen their relationship with each other and the Lord. Being an arm of Tabernacle Baptist Church, The Ladies Fellowship brings comfort to those that mourn, help to those that are sick, and joy in celebrating milestones together. This fellowship meets once a month on Sunday nights at 6 pm.
Men's Ministries
This Bible study meets once a month on Sunday nights. We enjoy fellowship with refreshments and prayer/praise time. Often, we will do a book study that promotes Biblical manhood and true godliness.
Each quarter, our men meet for breakfast to fellowship, pray, and have a devotion. We will meet in our fellowship hall or reserve a private room at a restaurant nearby.
At least once every two years, our men will venture out on a missions trip. We seek opportunities in new church ministries or camp ministries to help with building or service projects. We have been privileged to travel to South America, Oregon, California, Utah, Pennsylvania, and Kentucky.